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Revitalize Your Intimate Health

The Empower platform by InMode offers a full menu of  in-office, non-surgical procedures for VAGINAL REJUVENATION and vaginal wellness.  The MorpheusV treatment combines both radiofrequency (RF) and microneedling to remodel the vaginal tissue and tighten the vaginal skin, including the labia (external lips of the vagina).  FormaV gently and uniformly heats treated tissue to tighten and improve appearance with no discomfort and no downtime.   vTone provides electrical stimulation directly to the pelvic floor muscles in the vagina, improving vaginal tone and urinary loss. 


Our providers use a combination of services to address: 

  • Vaginal laxity/looseness 

  • Decreased sensation during intercourse 

  • Lichen sclerosis 

  • Vulvar vestibulitis 

  • Vaginal dryness 

  • Urgency of urination 

  • Frequency of urination  

  • Sagging, wrinkled or enlarged labia 

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V tone vaginal rejuvenation
Forma V vaginal rejuvenation

Frequently Asked Questions



Since the Empower system encompasses several intimate female services, they each deserve a closer look




Looking for a solution for VAGINAL REJUVENATION and bladder control that doesn’t involve surgery? MorpheusV is by far more successful than we ever imagined at rejuvenating the pelvic floor. Just like the skin on your face and body begins to droop or become drier with age, so does the skin and tissue inside and outside of your vagina, which affects how you feel and function.


MorpheusV is an FDA-cleared, non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment option to restore vaginal health and improve all of the big 3: urinary leaks, sexual enjoyment and responsiveness, and vaginal atrophy and dryness. It combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy (RF) to stimulate collagen production, thus tightening and enhancing the inner vagina and outer labia. If “microneedling” paired with “vaginal” gave you pause, rest assured that many women in our office has had this comfortable and well-tolerated treatment.




FormaV delivers RF energy to tissues of the inner and outer vagina, to further tighten and improve their appearance.  When collagen cushioning is lost, the vaginal membranes become thin and dry, leading to pain or bleeding with intercourse, a “sandy feeling” or irritated vagina and a change in the appearance of the labia. With a FormaV treatment, your provider gently heats the external and internal vaginal tissue, instantly firming the area with no needles and no pain. Over the next few weeks, your body produces more collagen in the treatment area. After 3 sessions, most women report almost complete resolution of vaginal dryness and a return of firmer, healthier surface, leading to a feeling of VAGINAL REJUVENATION.

FormaV is also used by many women as a treatment to maintain their vaginal appearance and function. A series of treatments improves vaginal moisture and reduces the appearance of prominent labia.




The vTone therapy uses electrical stimulation directed to specific pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina to improve sexual function and reduce symptoms of urine loss. Intravaginal electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) and neuromuscular re-education rehabilitates weak pelvic floor muscles for the treatment of stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence. Like “super Kegels,” vTone gives you all the benefits of a month’s worth of regular Kegels in one painless treatment with no downtime. Combine with other feminine treatments for even better VAGINAL REJUVENATION results.

Who is the best candidate for VAGINAL REJUVENATION?


Whether it’s bladder control, discomfort during intimacy, vaginal appearance, or issues before, during, or after menopause, we can help! 


VAGINAL REJUVENTION is also known as “feminine rejuvenation” and is defined by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery as one or more “procedures used to reduce, reshape, or tighten female genital tissues to restore a firmer tone and a more youthful and symmetrical appearance.” VAGINAL REJUVENATION can also alleviate problems caused by vaginal tissue laxity. Depending on the treatment, feminine rejuvenation can: 

  • improve vaginal tone and elasticity 

  • treat dyspareunia (painful intercourse) 

  • reduce or eliminate urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control) 

  • relieve vaginal itching, burning, pain or dryness 


Almost all women develop genitourinary syndrome after menopause. With lack of estrogen, tissues become weak and lose their structure. Symptoms include vaginal dryness, vaginal pain, bladder leakage, pain with intercourse, and incontinence. VAGINAL REJUVENTATION treatments are designed to prevent and improve genitourinary syndrome, maintain healthy vaginal tissue and restore pelvic floor strength. Many of our treatments are combined with a series of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to specifically enhance orgasm (the "orgasm shot") for spectacular results! Learn more about how PRP can help with orgasms here. 


Consider VAGINAL REJUVENATION if you are looking for: 

  • More confidence in the bedroom 

  • Improved lubrication and comfort during intercourse 

  • Increased sensitivity of the vagina 

  • A tighter and more youthful vaginal appearance 

  • Lifted and tighter vaginal lips 

  • Stronger and more frequent orgasms 

  • Increased arousal 

  • Improved pelvic floor muscle tone 

  • Control of urine leakage 




  • MorpheusV is performed under local anesthesia.  After an application of topical numbing gel for about 30 minutes, your provider will perform a MorpheusV RF microneedling in the vaginal canal and around the urethral opening. Patients report a pressure and an occasional spot of hot, prickly sensation. All of our MorpheusV treatments are combined with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to enhance tissue growth (learn more here).

  • See MorpheusV in action here: Inmode EMPOWER RF Uretra

  • Treatment time is about 30 minutes. In studies, 90% of women reported improvement in bladder control and sexual enjoyment after 1 to 3 treatments. Their sexual partners say they feel the difference, too. Patients also report improvement in overactive bladder, stress incontinence, and chronic vaginal infections infections. This is because MorpheusV actually corrects vaginal pH and improves internal and external skin and tissue hydration. Results are long lasting and maintained with just an annual treatment.

  • There is no special preparation before a MorpheusV treatment. Afterwards, you may have vaginal spotting for 1-3 days, or a sunburned feeling. You should avoid putting anything in the vagina for 72 hours.

  • Your provider will recommend an initial series of treatment 3 monthly treatments to reach your goals.  Additional treatments about once a year are recommended to maintain results.



  • FormaV is a pain-free, in-office procedure that requires no anesthesia. With a single-use wand about the size of a small tampon, topical radiofrequency is applied to heat the internal vaginal walls and external labia. This stimulates tissue remodeling and new collagen, allowing the skin to expand and contract comfortably, giving results you can both see and feel.

  • See FormaV in action here: Votiva Animation

  • Treatment time is just 10-20 minutes.

  • There is no special preparation before a FormaV treatment, and no restrictions after treatment; you may resume intimacy right away.

  • Your provider will recommend an initial series of treatment 3 monthly treatments to reach your goals.  Additional treatments about once a year or more are recommended to maintain results.



  • vTone is a painless, in-office procedure to strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles and improve urinary incontinence symptoms. A small sensor is comfortably inserted into the vaginal canal. The stimulation is slowly increased until visible pelvic floor contractions are seen. You will feel a lifting and tightening vaginal sensation during the treatment.

  • See vTone in action here: How Does VTone Work?

  • Treatment time is just 20 minutes.

  • There is no special preparation before a vTone treatment, and no restrictions after treatment; you may resume intimacy right away.

  • Your provider will recommend an initial series of treatment 6 weekly treatments to reach your goals.  Additional treatments about once every 2-3 months are recommended to maintain results.

How much does VAGINAL REJUVENATION cost?


  • Individualized treatment plans are customized during your free consultation

  • We offer discounts for bundles of treatments

  • We partner with Cherry and Afterpay to offer interest-free monthly payments

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